Saturday, July 17, 2021


 “It’s just an obscure legal theory from the 70’s. No one’s teaching it in schools anyway, so don’t get your knickers in a wad.” Says the guy in a Mao Zedong T-shirt. It’s a pack of lies, of course. (In case you haven’t read many Omnipotentblogs, it may or may not be evident I have a minor obsession with the communists who may or may not be sneaking into my room at night to steal my life force.)


What is CRT, anyway? Like most academic theories, the descriptions are impenetrable gobbledygook. Since academics love expansive and complicated models, there are a number of tenets to deconstruct.


·         Systemic vs. Individual: Discrimination may be bigotry, but it is not racism. Racism is one group’s power over and oppression of racial minorities. Hence, People of Color (POC’s) may be bigoted, but only whites can be racist.

·         Rigid heuristic: “Critical” means “to criticize” or interpret. It is a lens through which all inequity is focused.

·         Anti-Democracy: Critical race theorists believe that “political liberalism is incapable of adequately addressing fundamental problems of injustice.” Its emphasis on color blind, equitable treatment under the law renders it capable of recognizing only the most overt and obvious racist practices, not those that are “indirect, subtle, or systemic.”

·         Revolution: CRT literature denigrates incremental or reformist approaches. The problem is dire and systemic. The solution must be swift and comprehensive.

·         “White Privilege”: All whites, even poor ones, benefit from a system of inherent advantage.

·         “Microaggressions”: Any solution to racial inequity must tackle the subtler aspects of racism, often reflected by small, unintentional slights or insults. POC’s and white allies must be acutely aware of, and call out such offenses.

·         “Material Determinism”:  Legal actions, whether advances or setbacks for POC’s always end in helping privileged elites maintain their power.

·         “Voice of Color”: Only POC’s are qualified to speak on behalf of their group about racism.

·         Race as social construct: Race is not a true scientific category (sounds conservative). Racial categories exist for the purpose of oppressing and exploiting people of color. The very existence of racial categories signifies and is evidence of oppression and exploitation.

·         “Equity”: “…the state, quality or ideal of being just, impartial and fair.” “Distributional equity is…the fair distribution of benefits and burdens across all segments of a community, prioritizing those with highest need.” 

·         “Anti-racism”: Moral adequacy necessitates actively fighting the system. There is no such thing as a non-racist; There are only anti-racists and racists.


Lettuce unpack this: CRT, by definition, says that America is completely saturated in racism, the crisis of all crises, that liberal democracy is wholly incapable of defeating it, that all inequity should be viewed through the lens of oppression, that absolute parity of all racial and other oppressed groups is the goal of any just society, that only POC’s are truly qualified to even comment about racism, that their experiences of abuse are to be accepted without challenge, that all whites are collectively guilty of this abuse, and to be a decent person, you must actively work to tear down the current system, i.e. capitalism and democracy.

CRT demands a blind acceptance of the sacrosanct “lived experiences” of POC’s. A white person’s job is to empty the mind, shut up, and listen. There can be no give-and-take, no back-and-forth required for an authentic relationship. Though feelings determine reality, it really is only certain kinds of feelings since every human interaction is seen through the lens of power and domination. CRT is a predetermined ordering of priorities. In,
“No, The Woke Won’t Debate You. Here’s Why”, the author explains that the woke view every challenge raised as being steeped in a racist framework, so why engage at all? CRT is a tautology, a circular logic where the theory is its own proof. When the answer to every question is pre-ordained, you have abrogated reason. You have banished thought itself.


CRT, derived from “Critical Theory”, is explicitly Marxist. It merely substitutes class for race. Carnival barker Ibram Kendi said, “Racism and capitalism are “conjoined” twins that will die together…To be anti-racist is to be anti-capitalist,” for you cannot have markets without inequity. Ironically, the best anti-1619 Project piece I read was from the World Socialist Website. They share the goals of CRT, but they hate it because they believe class is more important than race. (Fist bump to the World Socialists. Strange times.)


CRT corrals humanity into two camps: Oppressed and Oppressors. It infantilizes POC’s as victims, and pigeonholes them into a monochromatic block, as if Tibetans, Nigerians, and Mexicans are the same. It does the same to whites. Since all whites, kind-hearted or not, benefit from the current arrangement, their “privilege” brands them as oppressor. But white devils should take heart because they are not individually guilty, just collectively. Despising color-blindness, advocates want whites to think of themselves as white. Have they really thought this through? As one older gentleman put it, “They want to separate us into tribes. So okay, I’ll stand with my tribe.”


For the Woke, mere inequity is proof of system racism. Kendi argues if we truly say all races are equal, there can be no other explanation for differences. Stunningly simplistic, he makes culture irrelevant. A simple thought experiment shatters the juvenile logic. Imagine two identical families of color. One discusses sports at the dinner table while the other discusses school, science, and history. Or two other families where one says America is racist and oppressive, and the other tells their children they are the masters of their destiny.


The implicit message of CRT is dehumanizing and disempowering. Collectivizing identity leads to the crabs in a bucket phenomenon: When one tries to crawl out, the others pull him back in. Spiritually toxic, it destroys moral agency and discourages the development of virtue. For if the problem is America and not you, why break your back to build habits of honesty, patience, and perseverance? CRT’s solution is to redistribute wealth, but no one appreciates what they haven’t earned. See “Ruined lottery winners”. Is anything expected of POC’s at all? Without responsibility, there is no freedom. Rob a man of accountability, and you rob him of life itself.


 We are living in an age of moral panic. It is an artifice. And the practical effects of this range from the comically absurd to the utterly sinister. People have been fired and lives ruined by the woke mob. When coal miners are accused of black face, when things like tattooing, disciplining violence in school, math, sleep, the word “picnic”, Halloween costumes, mittens, the “OK” symbol, AP classes, Chinese food, and camping are deemed racist, when a black bouncer tossing out a black woman for assaulting a black man in a gay bar is evidence of white supremacy, and when the God-danged Smithsonian Institute labels objectivity and rational thought as “whiteness”, maybe this country has jumped the shark.


The Black Hills of South Dakota??? Might as well be “The N___r Hills.”


I despise CRT because it makes us hate each other. By design. How can it not be explicitly racist when it makes grand assumptions about unique human beings based on skin color? If you study revolutions, you will see that, even now, America is probably too stable to suffer such calamity. But the Marxist wankers in this country sure are trying. And when my friend’s nine-year-old son comes home from school one day and says he wishes he wasn’t white, we know their plan is working. They will probably fail, but before they do, they will cover the land in a blanket of misery. God help us.