Sunday, March 6, 2022

THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING PART IV (This is the end. I promise.)


“True civilization does not lie in progress or (technology). It lies in the diminution of the marks of original sin.”


Charles Baudelaire

The catalogue of decline continues...



It is widely known that religiosity has shrunk tremendously. You might think that meant people stopped going to church, but that’s not true. The same people still go, and the people whose faith was unserious or merely cultural now reject that. The result is a sharp increase in pseudo-scientific beliefs, things like astrology, UFO’s, and, (sigh) trolls and elves. What dominates, however, is not those. The God-shaped vacuum in the heart is usually filled with God, Government, or Gaia, and the current winner is a political faith. Social Justice Warriors are the new Puritans, scouring the countryside for victims to brand with a scarlet R for racism. For those who are religious, who understand the nature of faith, creeds, moral certainty, and fundamentalism, Wokeism
checks all the boxes. It is a religion, full stop. There are responsive readings, confessions, kneeling, saints and martyrs like George Floyd, and actual talk of “sin.”




In a race to the bottom, the country is increasingly coarse and vulgar. Sitting next to me in the coffee shop as I write this is a woman with a baseball cap that just says, “F__k.” Regardless of my agreement with the sentiment, it is a sign of cultural decay. Foul language is increasingly accepted. A congresswoman recently used the F word in a speech. There is a pizza restaurant in L.A. called “Best F___in’ Pizza. Then there is the disturbing popularity of the rap song “WAP”, which stands for…ahem, lubricated female privates. A string of celebrities filmed Youtube videos singing the song, and it was discussed in a flippant tone on talk shows. And, despite the virtual synonymity of Rock and Roll and depravity, it was usually kept in hotel rooms and tour buses. This story, however, is pure bonkers: A female singer during a recent show squatted and peed into the open mouth of a willing fan, who then sprayed it into the air while pumping his fist to wild cheers. Indeed.




I have noticed something about motorcycles. They’re missing. And what remains on the road are not the muscular sport bikes that dominated the I 5 while doing mile-long wheelies at 90 mph. What’s left are these 250-500cc “sport-ish” bikes that sound like a 10-year-old boy’s long fart. Apparently, millennials and Gen Z do not like motorcycles as much. But mention a Tesla with its giant touch screen…Ooooh!


Remember this guy?


There is a war over the very idea of what it means to be a man. Conservatives like Josh Hawley have been calling for a "revival of strong and healthy manhood in America." The term “toxic masculinity” has been popularized, and one can be forgiven for being confused whether it means the toxic elements of masculinity, which are easily recognizable, or it simply means masculinity itself. In a recent speech, Hawley blamed the left for wanting to define traditional masculine virtues like courage, independence, and assertiveness as a danger to society. “Can we be surprised that after years of being told they are the problem, that their manhood is the problem, more and more men are withdrawing into the enclave of idleness, and pornography, and video games?...American men are working less, they are getting married in fewer numbers, they're fathering fewer children, they're suffering more anxiety and depression, they're engaging in more substance abuse." In Omnipotentblog’s “The War On Men,” which Obscure Blog Magazine called “…one of the most prescient and insightful pieces of 2012,”*  I noted how liberal notions of collectivism and unity are challenged by the very ideas of competition. Everyone gets a trophy. Think of the typical responses to a young boy falling and skinning his knee during a race. The mother may “poor-baby” the child until his body dehydrates from tears. The man will often encourage the child to stop crying and finish the race. Masculine love is often conditional and sometimes the only thing that gets a child to move out of the basement. But if your view of love is always the “poor baby” version, you might see the enforcement of standards as crude and thuggish. As modern life becomes safer, as the economy moves from factory and field into the office, the need for tough and aggressive men doing dirty and dangerous jobs is diminished. As this happens, men are told that the fire inside them, the thing that makes them risk and compete and be great, is actually cause for shame. And now we have a generation of men unmoored, angry, and confused. BTW, nobody ever talks about toxic femininity, which, trust me, is a thing.


* This may or may not be completely fabricated.





In the last decade plus, the mental health of America’s youth has plummeted. I first noticed a rise in psychiatric issues around 2014 when I tried to hospitalize a runaway 15 y.o. wildly psychotic with voices and delusions. He was breaking into businesses at night, watching porn on their computers, and leaving Cheeto dust on the keyboards. Hospitals would not take him. No beds. A psychiatrist finally admitted there indeed had been a sharp rise in admissions, and MediCal had raised criteria. Why is this happening? For one, woke-ism is busy encouraging the replacement of objective reasoning with “lived experience”. The Enlightenment, with its emphasis on reason and science, has guided Western Civilization for centuries, but that is changing. Cultural leaders now embrace a more Romantic vision where the passions rule. Naturally, self-control and virtue are devalued, and when emotions dominate the inner life, they become like a wild beast, unmanageable and difficult to tame. Now, if humans are born good, if their natures are altruistic and eager to spread joy if only societal barriers were removed, this would be a good thing. This is the vision now being implemented. How’s it working out? Universities are awash in Trigger Warnings and Safe Spaces. Uncomfortable speech is silenced to protect students from ideas that hurt their feelings. In the Woke scripture “White Fragility,” Barbara DiAngelo infantilizes People of Color, portraying them as wounded victims incapable of challenge, while in a tautological and stunning lack of self-awareness, she claims pushing back against the idea of collective white guilt is evidence of emotional weakness and defensiveness. For the woke, the strange solution to the problem of emotional fragility is the removal of the stigma of emotional fragility rather than the development of strength and hardiness. Seems kinda dumb.




In 2000, eminent sociologist Robert Putnam wrote “Bowling Alone,” a study of the decades-long decrease in civic involvement and the increase in loneliness. The loss of social capital has only worsened. Republican Senator Ben Sasse wrote, “Them: Why We Hate Each Other—And How to Heal,” claiming that loneliness is the primary driver of the endemic tribalism and hate in this country. Crushing isolation is such a problem in Britain that former Prime Minister Theresa May appointed a “Minister of Loneliness.” Academics note today’s children have far less personal contact than generations past. Years ago, one teen told me, “Nobody really parties anymore.” I just couldn’t understand that. Now I do. Needless to say, Covid lockdowns accelerated a crisis already in progress.


At this point, I must apologize, because I lied. This is really not the theory of “everything.” One could go on and on about the social ills of the world, maybe write a book or two, or six, but this is a blog. At some point, I just gotta wrap it up. Is American civilization rolling gently down a hill or running towards a cliff? I don’t know, but people are angry, and we all sense something is wrong. The solution, IMHO, is to look back, not to the evils of the past, which are often uglier than today’s, but to the riches of tradition, of belief in Providence and humility before God, to the mix of conservatism, notions of human sin, and hopeful liberalism of the American Constitution informed by the belief that man is created in the image of God. The solution is to realize the only true reform, as Nathaniel Hawthorne believed, is reform of the human heart. Will our Democratic Republic last? Only if we embrace this observation by James Russell Lowe:


“Democracy in itself is no more sacred than monarchy. It is man who is sacred; it is his duties and opportunities, not his rights, that nowadays need reinforcement. It is honour, justice, culture, that make liberty invaluable, else worse than worthless if it mean only freedom to be base and brutal…”  

