Monday, June 4, 2012

The War on Men


In the fantastic movie “Osama”, the image of Afghani women in burqas was haunting. The blue sheets, more apparition-like than human, seemed to float. The Taliban’s oppression was total, complete, devastating. And supposedly, if Republicans have their way, American women will be in burqas too. Of course, that’s asenine. But the Democrats are hanging their hopes on the Republican “War on Women” meme. The damning evidence? Republicans are against forcing the Catholic Church and all health insurance plans to provide “free” birth control. This “war” was first uncovered when ABC’s George Snuffalupagus questioned Romney and Knights Templar Crusader Rick Santorum about his thoughts on birth control. Rick should have said, “That’s a ridiculous question. Let’s move on”. Instead, he got sucked into making a philosophical argument that only celibate priests and 10% of Catholics believe in. The free-thinking, unbiased media wouldn’t let it die.

The Beaver State, Oregon, recently banned public schools from using Indian names or mascots for their athletic teams, saying they disparage Native Americans and reduce them to caricature. If even a small majority of Native Americans were actually offended, I would say this isn’t so outrageous. But they aren’t! Over 80% of real Indians (as opposed to fake ones seeking a Senate seat) don’t see the big deal. Why would activists disagree with most of their “misguided” compadres? What is so dang offensive? I don’t think Monty Montezuma makes brown people look bad. No school is nicknamed “The Pine Ridge Drunks” or “The diabetes-prone welfare moochers”. They are given names like “Warriors” or “Braves”. The nicknames evoke toughness, endurance, prowess, all positive traits you would associate with athletic competition. What does this have to do with a war on men? Plenty. The names evoke masculinity and it is this that liberals hate.

Liberals abhor war and violence. “Militarism”, a stupid word that simply means aggression, is a favorite of the left. Liberals also loathe competition. We are the generation where everyone gets a trophy so no one gets their feelings hurt. You can also see their hatred of competition in their discomfort with its ultimate form: capitalism. In free markets, there are always losers and this burns the heart of a liberal. Are not competitiveness and aggression simply forms of masculinity?

A professor of mine once asked the class why there are so few men in the (ultra liberal) field of social work. I remarked that many just don’t view nurturing and talking about feelings as particularly manly. To her eternal credit, she said, “No, I think it’s because there are a bunch of man haters in this field”. To some extent, she was right.

Adam Corolla in his book, “In Fifty Years, We’ll All Be Chicks”, laments that what was once settled with common sense or a fist, we now settle with hand sanitizer and lawyers. Largely a vehicle for toilet humor and the F word, the book actually gives serious social commentary about the blurring of gender lines. Gender roles have indeed become more confused. Intentionally.

Think of a small boy running a race against his classmates. He falls and skins his knee. The mother wants to run and hold him and say “poor baby”. The father spurs him to be tough and finish the race. Is this not a metaphor for the two great political philosophies? The battle so often is between compassion and standards. Both are a form of love, one feminine, one masculine. And when you focus this through the lens of politics, you begin to see that “Left” and “Right” is, more broadly, a simple gender construct.

The problem is that, while the right understands the left for the most part, the left doesn’t seem to understand the right. At all. Conservatives see competition as simply a medium for creating greatness. And, in a way, is not war itself merely the enforcement of “standards”? (Respect my boundaries. Do not steal from me, etc.) But if you have a narrow view of love and compassion, if you think that the only way to help the poor and the downtrodden is to say “poor baby”, then you will view the other way as simply evil. How could it not be? Liberals despise manliness because they think it crude, thuggish, violent, and worst of all, uncaring. It must be the cause of so much hurt and pain and it must be banished.

So goes the war on men.