Commenting on the desire to uproot traditional taboos,
Edmund Burke stated there are ignorant men who are not foolish enough to take
apart their clock but “sufficiently confident to think (they) can safely take
to pieces, and put together at (their) pleasure, a moral machine…” far more intricate
than an instrument of springs and gears.
Since the 60’s, the left has wanted to obliterate these
taboos about sex and gender. In “Marxist Feminism’s Ruined Lives”, Mallory Millett describes her involvement in the
creation of the National Organization of Women. They’re kind of a big deal now,
and they started their meetings with this chant:
"Why are we here today?" she asked.
"To make revolution," they answered.
"What kind of revolution?" she replied.
"The Cultural Revolution," they chanted.
“And how do we make Cultural Revolution?" she
"By destroying the American family!" they
"How do we destroy the family?" she came
"By destroying the American Patriarch," they
cried exuberantly.
"And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?”
she replied.
"By taking away his power!"
"How do we do that?"
"By destroying monogamy!" they shouted.
"How can we destroy monogamy?"
Their answer left me dumbstruck…, she wrote.
"By promoting promiscuity, eroticism,
prostitution and homosexuality!" they resounded.
“Geez, Omnipotentblog. Is literally everything a communist
plot?” Well, not everything, but the other day, I sat down to eat lunch
at home and watched some porn. I thought it was an animated sci fi show on
Netflix, but that was apparently a lie. After trying to fast forward through
the naughty bits, I gave up and turned it off. Recently, students at Grossmont
High School in San Diego staged a near riot over a dress code that banned mid
riffs and tank tops. Perhaps they have simply learned that political violence gets
results, but any casual observer over 40 who watches TV or sits in coffee shops
has surely noticed the swelling number of exposed boobs and lumpy mid riffs,
even as waistlines expand. There is a strange feminist notion that to be equal
to a man means to be just as horny and freakish. At the same time, actual
teenage sex is down. Substantially. One kid told me nobody really parties
anymore. Yet, while the college hook-up culture is strong, there is also a
Puritan strain of thought among college students and administrators regarding
consent that borders on moral panic. Coupled with a culture of victimhood and the
fear of “toxic masculinity”, this simultaneous loosening and tightening of
sexual mores has served to confuse people and ruin lives. And while the actual
evidence behind the perceived epidemic of campus rape is paltry, the true
believers fail to understand why some men, pickled in alcohol and teased to the
brink of insanity, might be a little too eager to just, you know, “take it.” If,
in the throes of passion, women can turn it off like a switch, can’t men? I
mean, we’re all the same, aren’t we? Of course—and this is complete
speculation—but men raised with self-control, good values, and respect for
women are probably less likely to rape, no matter how drunk. Some years ago, I
read a piece detailing how a consensual hook-up turned into a “rape” when a
woke RA convinced a girl her post-coital guilt meant she really had not given
consent. It turned into criminal charges against a confused and traumatized
man. Speaking of Puritanism, there has been a strange
alliance recently between social conservatives and hardcore
feminists against pornography. And though conservatives hate (love, whatever)
to say, “We told ya so,” in “Why
Sex-Positive Feminism is Falling Out of Fashion,”
NY Times’ columnist Michelle Goldberg, without mentioning it, or possibly even
realizing it, admits that social conservatives were totally right about sex all
along. Her epiphany is that the sexual revolution has brought only exploitation,
poverty, and misery to women. But she wants to Make America Rut Again by
creating a new “culture of respect.” Sure.
During the gay marriage debates over a decade ago,
radio host Dennis Prager would often warn the great risk of the left’s
arguments about sexual identity was not about marriage, per se, but about
gender. He predicted a slippery slope, and now, he appears quite prescient. The
left moves from victim group to victim group and now that gays and lesbians
appear to be lower on the scale of oppression, transgenders are the victims du
jour. Two genders plus confusion has become dozens of genders and sexual
identities that have names for any combination of feelings people can describe,
even an identity whereby some women can’t have sexual feelings for people they
are not emotionally attracted to, which, if memory serves, used to be called “a
woman”. What are the results of this? An explosion in the number of people identifying
as “nonbinary” or not straight. The landmark Sex in America Survey
survey by Laumann et al argued that culture had an enormous influence on
sexuality. They pointed to a paucity of homosexuals in rural America and much
higher rates in populated urban centers, only a small portion of which was
explained by migration. They found the prevalence of homosexuality to be 2-3%.
Numerous previous studies suggested about 2% of males and 1% of females. The rates
were remarkably stable over decades, but with the massive recent cultural shift,
what about now? As of 2021, Gallup estimated
the rate to be 5.6%. Rates among older generations remained steady while rates
of Millenials have exploded.
Is this a good thing? Not according to data, which shows the problems in these groups as voluminous and severe. And while the left cheers the lopping off of private parts, there is a real thing called “Transition Regret,” compassionately documented by Walt Heyers, a detransitioned male, and 60 Minutes in an interview of people lamenting their permanent mutilations. One woman noted how she got on hormones after “a couple” therapy sessions. She was transitioned and detransitioned in less than a year. Various studies show that 85% of teenagers, if they do not receive encouragement or pressure to transition, will resolve their gender identity issues. Tellingly, the gold standard of guidance regarding surgical transition used to be the Harry Benjamin Standards, established in 1979 with the understanding that surgery was a radical, irreversible action. They recommended that a person should live fully as the other gender for at least a year before starting hormones. The standards also recommended “…extensive exploration of psychological, family and social issues…Identity beliefs in adolescents may become firmly held and strongly expressed, giving a false impression of irreversibility; more fluidity may return at a later stage. For these reasons, irreversible physical interventions should be delayed as long as is clinically appropriate.” The problem with the new gender ideology is that these standards have been ignored because, who are we to tell someone their feelings aren’t real? There are signs the tide is turning, however. Sweden’s renowned Karolinska Institute, after reviewing the literature, banned transition among teenagers outside of approved studies. And the UK High Court recently evaluated the scientific evidence for transitioning teenagers, determining the evidence suggested hormonal transition is still experimental and should not be allowed for children under 16, given their lack of maturity and inability to give informed consent. Contrast this with California’s AB 1184, which gives children as young as 12 control of their medical and psychiatric records and bans health insurance companies from notifying parents of “sensitive” treatments such as abortions and surgical gender transitions. The staggering rates of suicide and general misery among both pre and post-transition transgenders should give them pause, but it doesn’t. The revolution must go on.
Next week: A proper discussion of church, men who ride
mopeds, and Cheeto dust.